Thursday, February 5, 2009

An important news

So!!!! Girls don't misunderstand please...........


  1. But what about the health of the women who are stared at? The DOC seem to be an MCP who is concerned about the health of men only with total disregard to how a women feels. Pl. don't misunderstand , these are the observations about the DOC nothing personal

  2. Yeah, I agree with ur point. The Doc has not considered the Women's point of view.

    May be a female doc would come with a study like that. If I get that, I'll promptly post that also.

  3. Thanks, I have posted ur comment on my blog, actually i had not been to my blog for last month and a half, so didn't check if there nay comments for moderation, i have no visitors, so usually i don't bother to check comments are there for moderation.The new posts on "Never say die" will have provision to post comments
