Monday, February 23, 2009

Calculator Malfunction in Windows

Try this!! this is actually true........

The Greatest Invention of the last Century - the Microsoft's Calculator have Failed in the following calculation.
Go to calculator or Start in your system-->Run--> type Calc. and Check the following... .
2704/50 = 54.08 Works Fine
2704/51 = 53.01960784 Works Fine
2704/52 = try yourself Doesn't Work
2704/53 = 51.01886792 Works Fine
2704/54 = 50.07407407 Works Fine
Microsoft's Calculator Failed to calculate !!!
Can somebody explain why ?
Try it's a surprise


  1. ya its not working! weird... there are many such bugs in microsoft softwares.

  2. Hardy Har Har (sarcastic much)... Prey on the poor people who didn't do to well at math :(

    It does owrk, it's just 52*52 is 2704.

    Nice trick though!
